Microsoft Career Advice

Do I Have to Go to School to Work at Microsoft?

Microsoft is one of the leading names in technology. It has a decades-long history of producing some of the finest software, and everyone knows about its powerful operating systems. Working for Microsoft can be a rewarding experience.

You get great benefits and opportunities to advance your career and are part of a lasting legacy in modern technology.

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need a college degree to work for Microsoft. While having a degree in relevant fields helps, Microsoft has a unique approach to hiring. Anyone providing Microsoft career advice will tell you that educational credentials are only one piece of the puzzle.

A Focus on Soft Skills

Microsoft prioritizes diversity and the skills an individual obtains outside the classroom. Anyone can go to school and learn about technology or software development. But those credentials don't guarantee that a person is the right fit for the job.

For that reason, Microsoft hiring managers typically focus on soft skills when selecting people for entry-level positions. Skills like communication, teamwork, collaboration, problem-solving and more are crucial to your success at Microsoft. Great hard skills will only get you so far.

A Willingness to Learn

Another detail that Microsoft hiring managers look into when considering a candidate is their willingness to learn. Technology is ever-evolving. You can have a degree from a highly reputable school. But that doesn't mean you're well-versed in the latest technology and innovations.

Microsoft pushes the envelope and continues to create cutting-edge products and services. A willingness to learn makes a difference. Microsoft wants people who are determined to succeed and those who will work to become the best tech professionals they can be.

Microsoft Isn't Alone

Past and present employees offering Microsoft career advice often lean on soft skills and openness. But Microsoft isn't the only company taking this more holistic approach to hiring.

Several tech companies are moving away from judging pure credentials alone during the hiring process. The shift allows tech giants to recruit diverse talent with more to bring to the table.

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