Netflix Career Advice

How to Start Your Career at Netflix

Netflix is one of the most innovative tech companies in the world. In fact, Netflix is such a big deal in the world of tech that it is often included in “FANG”. FANG is a group of companies that includes Facebook (Meta), Amazon, Netflix and Google.

Founded in 1997, Netflix was originally designed as a DVD rental service that delivered movies by mail. Over time, the company has morphed into one of the biggest streaming services in the world, and it also operates its own studios, producing television shows and movies.

Getting a Job at Netflix

Because of the popularity of Netflix and the media it develops, many people want to work for the company. Trying to get your foot in the door at huge FANG companies can seem a bit intimidating at first, but there’s plenty of Netflix career advice on the web that can provide guidance. You can also consider working with an employment coach if you’re looking for personalized Netflix career advice.

To begin the actual process of seeking a position at Netflix, you first want to look at the company’s website for relevant openings or browse open positions through employment sites. You should also try to get in front of recruiters that work directly with Netflix.

Focus on Your Personal Brand

When working with recruiters, you want to focus on crafting your personal brand instead of simply relying on your resume. While education and experience are important for seeking positions at FANG companies, it often takes more than specialized degrees or experience working at big brands to catch the attention of both recruiters and Netflix hiring managers.

With a strong and consistent personal brand demonstrated across social media profiles and other places on the web, you’ll likely find it easier to land interviews with Netflix and get in the running for open positions. Networking is also important when seeking jobs at companies like Netflix.

Try to leverage network connections where possible to see if anyone can help you connect with someone at Netflix directly or to a recruiter for Netflix. As always, avoid being pushy, but do present yourself as eager if you want to stand out from the crowd.

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